Friday, October 19, 2007

Statement of purpose

This blog will post the views of CAJL (Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership) and like minded posts from around the blogosphere.

For two thousand years Jews have longed, prayed, shed tears and lost their lives because of their love of Jerusalem. Their love of the Jerusalem no Jew could forget, the Jerusalem that's engraved in every single Jewish heart, the Jerusalem that kept the flame of Judaism burning for millennia, against all odds, in exile in Israel, everywhere there was a Jew. In June 1967, Jerusalem was united again under Israeli rule. The tears, the suffering, the prayers paid off! The Almighty finally found His people worthy of being in Jerusalem, in the Old City. Its reunification was paid for in blood, the same blood that for two thousand years had the Holy Land and the lands of Europe. The same blood that run through the veins of millions of murdered Jews whose only crime consisted of stubbornly being Jewish.

Currently a government of morally bankrupt, corrupt, spineless, unthinking, uncaring, cowardly political eunuchs believes it will appease its bloody enemies and the West by dividing it again. They seem to believe that by giving over control of the Holy Places in the City of David (which is mentioned over and over in the TaNa"CH but not even once in the Quran) they will achieve peace. For a Jew to spit at this precious gift the Almighty handed us, is treachery of the highest order. It's a betrayal of everything Judaism stands for. It is trampling on the hopes of millions of martyrs throughout the ages, it represents walking away from that which legitimizes a Jew. To divide Jerusalem is akin to gleefully celebrating with our enemies the tragic deaths of our ancestors, as that division puts a knife into the collective heart of Jewry.

Im eshkachech Yerushalayim, tishkach yemini! - If I forget thee, Jerusalem, let my right hand forget its cunning! And yet... and yet there are those who in pursuit of an illusory peace have no compunctions in slowly carving away at the piece of land the Almighty bequeathed us. Are they really so blind, so foolish, as to believe they can buy the end of the current state of war with land? Has history not proven over and over that magnanimous concessions only result in more demands, in more magnanimous concession, in more Jewish blood being spilled? Can the forgetting of Jerusalem accomplish other than more death and horror?

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