Sunday, October 28, 2007

CAJL CC 102307 Contact info to President, Israeli Ambassador and Israel Consul


CAJL (Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership)
CC October 23, 2007 (Calling Campaign via snail mail, fax, email, telephone)

"Frankly, it's time for the establishment of a Palestinian state," Rice told a news conference with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. "The United States sees the establishment of a Palestinian state and a two-state solution as absolutely essential for the future…"

IMPORTANT P.S. Letter from Ruth Matar!

Dear Friends,

I received an incredible number of positive replies to last week's article: "Open Letter to US President George W. Bush".

I'm afraid I forgot to give you important information as to how to forward that letter to the President.

Please print the letter and send it to him at your earliest opportunity as follows:


President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20500


(202) 456-2461

PHONE: (leave a message for the President)
(202) 456-1414

According to inside information, e-mail may easily be deleted, and is very unlikely to be read by the President. Faxes are a little bit better; however, they may end up in the waste basket without being shown to the President. The best way is to send a letter by regular mail, "registered return receipt requested".

It is important that you let the President know that both American Christians and American Jews are upset and worried about the forthcoming "Peace Conference" in Annapolis.

It goes without saying that the Israeli People are in fear of having our God-given country taken away from us once again.

With Love and Blessings for Israel,

Ruth Matar

Dear Volunteers. Please don't get overwhelmed. 10 phone calls is great but 1 is better than none. When you can, please write to the President, and to the Israel Ambassador and Israel Consul General to publicize your personal protest to Condeleeza Rice's public statements. Please continue to call the major Jewish Organizations such as the Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU and the Young Israel to encourage their people to do so as well. Collectively, these 3 organizations reach out to hundreds of thousands of Jews. A Statement just about Jerusalem is inadequate. The points raised by Nadia Matar are more comprehensive. The Rebbe says even if you don't think it will make a difference or that you will be heard there is still an obligation to speak up for Eretz Yisroel. Now is not the time to be shy! Use your gifts for public speaking and self expression to end this Chillul Hashem of Silence.

Besides the White House, the Jewish Media, and the Rabbanim, address your protests to
Oops! A fly on the wall informs us that the Israeli Ambassador Sallai Meridor and the Israeli Consul General in NY, Asaf Shariv, have apparently gotten NO PROTESTS from anyone about the attempts to set up a new Palestinian terror state just a bike ride from divided Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, and Israel's only international airport (Ben-Gurion). So... write, fax, email :
Ambassador Sallai Meridor, Embassy of Israel, 3514 International Drive, NW, Washington, DC 20008 202-364-5590; FAX: 202-364-5560
Ambassador Asaf Shariv, Consulate of Israel in NY, 800 Second Ave., New York, NY 10017, 212-499-5450 - Fax: 212-499-5455
Volunteer, Yasher Koach on your efforts. May Hashem reward us collectively with Peace and PROSPERITY.
To summarize:
Call/Write to Rabbanim encouraging them to urge their congregations to speak up and to speak up themselves since they have a voice on Capital Hill and the White House.
Call/Write the White House
Call/Write Israel Ambassador and Israel Consul General.
and finally please listen to this song Here are the words to the song.

Lo alecha hamlacha ligmor It's not for you to finish the task

Lo alecha ligmor It's not for you to finish

V'lo ata ben chorin lehibatel mimena But you are not free to cease trying

V'lo ata ben chorin you are not free to cease trying

(Really another song, but it's always sung together)

Sheyibane beit hamikdash, sheyibane May the Temple be speedily built in our days

Sheyibane beit hamikdash, sheyibane

Bimhera b'yamenu, sheyibane

Bimhera b'yamenu, sheyibane

Sheyibane hamikdash

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