Sunday, October 28, 2007

History and Ikrema Sabri

From the Jerusalem Post:

‘Western Wall was never part of temple’

The former mufti of Jerusalem, Ikrema Sabri, has made the claim that there never was a Jewish temple on the Temple Mount, and the Western Wall was really part of a mosque.

“There was never a Jewish temple on Al-Aksa [the mosque compound] and there is no proof that there was ever a temple,” he told The Jerusalem Post via a translator. “Because Allah is fair, he would not agree to make Al-Aksa if there were a temple there for others beforehand.”

Sabri rejected Judaism’s claim to the Western Wall as part of the outer wall of the Second Temple.

“The wall is not part of the Jewish temple. It is just the western wall of the mosque,” he said. “There is not a single stone with any relation at all to the history of the Hebrews.”

Asked if Jews would ever be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount under Muslim control, he replied: “It is not the Temple Mount, you must say Al-Aksa. And no Jews have the right to pray at the mosque. It was always only a mosque - all 144 dunams, the entire area. No Jewish prayer. If the Jews want real peace, they must not do anything to try to pray on Al-Aksa. Everyone knows that.”

“Zionism tries to trick the Jews claiming that this was part of a Jewish temple, but they dug there and they found nothing,” Sabri added.

Archeologists overseeing Islamic infrastructure work on the Mount announced this week that they had unveiled a sealed archeological level dating back to the First Temple period.

The First Temple was built by King Solomon in the 10th century BCE, and destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BCE. The Second Temple was built 70 years later, enlarged during the first century BCE by Herod, and destroyed by the Romans in the year 70.

The Dome of the Rock and Al-Aksa Mosque were constructed on the Temple Mount site in the late seventh century.

The controversial issue of the holy sites is expected to come up during negotiations ahead of a US-sponsored summit on the Middle East in Annapolis later this year.

Palestinian leaders, most notably the late Yasser Arafat, have consistently denied Jewish claims to the Mount.

Sabri made the comments in an interview with the Post’s Friday supplement, In Jerusalem, for a cover story on how religious leaders view the capital.

Religions, at least those who claim an Abrahamic heritage, stress truth as a virtue and lies as damnable sins. Here is a religious leader who follows in the tradition of Hitler’s friend - Haj Amin al-Hussein, Arafat’s mother’s uncle. He distorts history and invents “facts,” all in an effort to deny the legitimacy of the claims of Jews and Christians to the Temple Mount. His gaul is appalling, yet not surprising. It is no more than another manifestation of IslamoFascism’s plan to deny the validity of any religion outside of itself, in spite of the Quran’s words to the contrary.

Ikrema Sabri, just like al-Husseini before him, is not a true religious leader. He is, first and foremost, a demagogue of the lowest kind. Religion is used to advance his cause, to spread his hatred, his prejudices while gaining power and prestige, as he incites incite others to terrorism. The pompous idiocy of his words would be laughable and easily dismissed were it not for the fact, that neither Jewish or Christian religious leader have made any efforts to expose his politicization of his religious tenets in an effort to deny the undeniability of history. If no one protests, if this descendant of pigs and monkeys, is allowed to get away with his lies there may soon be some misguided souls who will look seriously at his words as a worthy scholarly view.

…Allah is fair, he would not agree to make Al-Aksa if there were a temple there for others beforehand.” Perhaps. Yet, nobody who is a student of history or current affairs can claim that those who profess to follow Allah, in the Middle East, are… in any way “fair.”


Crossposted at: Freedom's Cost



The purpose of the Annapolis Summit is to hand sovereignty over Judea, Samaria and part of Jerusalem to the aegis of the PLO. Sovereignty means guns in an independent nation which cannot be violated. Most people do not understand that.

The US and Israel governments hope to portray and isolate opposition to a Palestinian state as a small religious minority - in both countries - who do not care about peace. The US and Israeli governments have therefore combined their “information machines” to promote a “peaceful Palestinian state”, downplaying and ignoring the fact that the PLO will not relinquish its purpose: to conquer all of Palestine. After all, the term FATAH connotes “conquest” in Arabic.

Here are ten vital factors and tactics to keep in mind, in order to prevent the Annapolis Summit from succeeding in that purpose.
  1. Educate decision makers and opinion makers that the PLO, defined by both the US and Israel as an illegal terrorist organization, indeed represents a threat to the US and to Israel, not only to Judea/Samaria/Jerusalem
  2. Invite articulate specialists in Arabic language and Islam to present the face of what Fatah spokesmen communicate to their people in their own lore and language. These experts should address influential Jewish constituencies and key congressional staffers.
  3. Stir a momentum that both the press and both governments are being pummeled with feedback from thousands of people, by bombarding key congress people along with the Israeli embassy and Israeli consulates with thousands of individually written letters of protest – NOT with petitions.
  4. Establish weekly vigils of articulate protesters in strategic locations in the US and in Israel.
  5. Seek out seemingly unlikely allies - i.e., Non-Orthodox Jews in the US, along with working class “mesorti” Sephardim, left wing kibbutzim now under attack in the Negev, and even Arabs who fear the PLO takeover.
  6. Provide the media with sample footage and testimony of life in Sderot/Western Negev to warn about the quality of life following Israeli withdrawals.
  7. Do not underestimate Olmert: Anticipate that the Israeli Prime Minister as an alternative gov’t under his sleeve, with Meretz and the three Arab parties, even if Shas and the Lieberman parties bolt the Israeli government. Expect that the Israeli Prime Minister will seek to defuse the Jerusalem issue by offering to keep PLO sovereignty out of Jerusalem, in order to distract from the reality that their guns would be trained on Jerusalem
  8. Threaten US based supporters of Fatah with legal action, since Fatah is listed by the US as a terrorist organization, and any assistance rendered Fatah by a US citizen is a felony.
  9. Publish maps which illustrate Jerusalem’s intertwining Jewish & Arab neighborhoods, along with the proximity of Judea and Samaria to Jerusalem & to all of Israel’s coastal region. .
  10. Present the media and the public with families whose loved ones have been murdered by the Fatah.

Izzy Kaplan
416 256 2858


Uniting on Jerusalem and Silent about the State of Palestine


Dear Members of the Coordinating Council on Jerusalem, amv"sh

I am extremely fearful about this unity regarding Jerusalem only (see our Statement below). Condeleeza Rice is not quiet about her desire to establish a Palestinian State and is requesting funding from Congress to uproot settlements from Yesha. Her plan is all inclusive. It includes almost the entire Judea and Samaria and parts of Jerusalem as well. If we are strong regarding Yesha than by extension, sovereignty over Jerusalem is not even on the negotiating table. G-d himself would reject Jerusalem if Yesha was turned into a State of Palestine. Speak out for the entire of Israel and Jerusalem will be saved. The converse is not necessarily true.

Please read the statement by the United Coalition for Israel, a Coalition of Christians and Jews. They are not afraid to speak out strongly opposing a terrorist State in Palestine in Judea and Samaria. It's very sad that the Coordinating Council is only about Jerusalem .Why does it only have to be the Christians that are Biblically correct and talk about G-d's given borders? Do we care less than the Christians about our Divinely given patrimony?

Dear President Bush and Vice President Cheney,

I am very concerned that the November Summit promoted by the United States will further destabilize an already volatile situation in the Middle East by weakening both the United States and Israel, our only dependable democratic ally in our war against radical Islam.

Israel has been on the frontline of this war ever since the rebirth of the nation in 1948. Since then, Israel has defended itself against 5 offensive attacks by combined Arab countries. After the last conventional war, the 1973 Yom Kippur War, which the Arab countries again lost, they have turned to terrorism as their war of choice.

If the United States insists on further dividing the tiny nation of Israel, demanding that they give up strategic land defenses, we will be succumbing to the brutal, barbaric forces that are threatening our Judeo-Christian civilization throughout the world. The global Jihad will have obtained an easy major victory on the Israeli front, demonstrating the collapse of resolve of the great western power, the United States. The culture of hatred and death will have won a decisive battle.

For Israel to give up the security of tangible land in exchange for more promises and future commitments would be a colossal mistake with historic repercussions. To divide Jerusalem, establish another Arab terrorist stronghold in 95% of Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and to remove Israeli sovereignty from the Temple Mount, would invite more Gaza-like rocket attacks in the heart of Israel. How would a country that in some areas is only 9 miles wide, ever defend itself against Hamas, Fatah, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade in its midst?

Backing a Summit that forces such an unrealistic surrender upon our ally, Israel, would discourage other countries from seeking our friendship.

The above letter was taken from the suggested letter by the Unity Coalition for Israel. I have added the following paragraph:

As a Bible Believer, you must also believe that the Covenant G-d made with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and their future descendants is an everlasting Covenant. The Roadmap to a State of Palestine is in direct opposition with G-d Given borders to the Nation of Israel and can only result in tragedy as pointed out above.

Signed Robin Ticker

Coordinating Council on Jerusalem


Jewish Leaders Initiate International Effort to Keep the Jewish Capital Secure, Intact and United

NEW YORK, NY (October 24, 2007) - We are proud to announce today the formation and launch of The Coordinating Council on Jerusalem, for the purpose of uniting American Jewish organizations on behalf of a secure and unified Jerusalem. Rabbi Pesach Lerner, Executive Vice President of the National Council of Young Israel, founded the initiative as a united public front of Jewish American organizations towards the principle of keeping Jerusalem united. It has been endorsed by hundreds of Jewish leaders in the Diaspora and Israel.

Recently, in preparation for next month's Annapolis summit with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, ministers of Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's government put forth their view that Jerusalem was negotiable and opened the door to concessions of parts of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, world Judaism's holiest and most revered site. Following his ministers' remarks, Olmert himself questioned the value of maintaining Jewish sovereignty over certain Jerusalem neighborhoods. As a result, Jewish leaders around the world are coalescing around a simple bottom-line position: World Jewry opposes Israeli negotiations which would include any discussion of ceding sovereignty over part or all of Jerusalem.

Realizing the historic breach and potentially tragic significance of these ministers' position, as well as the pivotal role being played by the US Secretary of State, Rabbi Pesach Lerner, a well-known leader of numerous Israel-related campaigns, immediately recruited Jeffrey Ballabon, a nationally known strategist with expertise in issue campaigns, crisis management and government relations ( to recommend and execute a broad-based international strategy to ensure continued Jewish sovereignty over all of Jerusalem. As a first step, the two called for the creation of a body to coordinate and leverage efforts in Israel and the Diaspora to secure Jewish interests in Jerusalem's future.

The formation of the Coordinating Council marks the first time since the establishment of the State of Israel that a significant group of American Jewish organizations have created a broad united front to pursue a policy directly involving Israel that is based on an explicit principle that supersedes deference to the sitting Israeli government. Notably, many of the organizations on the Coordinating Council are among the State of Israel's most loyal and active supporters.

Within hours of the announcement of their intent to create the Coordinating Council, Lerner and Ballabon were contacted by dozens of Israeli groups which also have decided to coordinate their efforts with the Council.

"Jerusalem has been the epicenter of the Jewish People for 3,000 years. It is the inheritance of Jews everywhere and for every generation. Even the suggestion that Jerusalem could be divided is appalling to a majority of Israelis and the global Jewish community," said Rabbi Lerner. "The Coordinating Council on Jerusalem is an unprecedented display of unity. Every organization is setting aside other priorities and agendas and differences to unify around the future of Jerusalem. We are committed to helping each other to ensure that all of Jerusalem remains the capital of the Jewish People.

"Preserving an undivided Jerusalem is a paramount issue not only for Israelis, but for the worldwide Jewish Community. This is not a decision any Israeli government can make unilaterally. Jerusalem belongs to all Jews, even those not living in Israel, and their opinion matters."

Adds Ballabon, "We are gratified by the overwhelmingly positive response to the creation of the Coordinating Council on Jerusalem. Each organization on the Coordinating Council is a responsible national or international organization and each is exercising crucial leadership for their constituencies on the issue of the preservation of Jerusalem. The threat is grave and what is at stake for all Jews is incalculable and irreplaceable. By uniting and coordinating, members of the Coordinating Council are sending a message of unmistakable unity, unshakable commitment and a determination to succeed."

Leaders of the Coordinating Council on Jerusalem have scheduled meetings with members of Congress and White House officials in the coming weeks, as well as with Israeli government officials and members of Knesset.


The Coordinating Council on Jerusalem, currently in formation, includes Americans for a Safe Israel, Association for Jewish Outreach Programs, Emunah of America, Hineni, Jerusalem Reclamation Project, National Conference of Synagogue Youth, National Council of Young Israel, One Israel Fund, Poalei Agudath Israel of America, Rabbinic Alliance to Save Jerusalem, Rabbinical Alliance of America, Rabbinical Council of America, Religious Zionists of America, Russian Jewish Community Foundation, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations (OU), Unity Coalition for Israel, Young Israel Council of Rabbis, and Zionist Organization of America.

Council of Young Israel Rabbis in Israel - CYIR

Heichal Shlomo, 58 King George Street, Suite 109
Jerusalem 91285 Tel:97226254983

CAJL CC 102307 Contact info to President, Israeli Ambassador and Israel Consul


CAJL (Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership)
CC October 23, 2007 (Calling Campaign via snail mail, fax, email, telephone)

"Frankly, it's time for the establishment of a Palestinian state," Rice told a news conference with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas. "The United States sees the establishment of a Palestinian state and a two-state solution as absolutely essential for the future…"

IMPORTANT P.S. Letter from Ruth Matar!

Dear Friends,

I received an incredible number of positive replies to last week's article: "Open Letter to US President George W. Bush".

I'm afraid I forgot to give you important information as to how to forward that letter to the President.

Please print the letter and send it to him at your earliest opportunity as follows:


President George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20500


(202) 456-2461

PHONE: (leave a message for the President)
(202) 456-1414

According to inside information, e-mail may easily be deleted, and is very unlikely to be read by the President. Faxes are a little bit better; however, they may end up in the waste basket without being shown to the President. The best way is to send a letter by regular mail, "registered return receipt requested".

It is important that you let the President know that both American Christians and American Jews are upset and worried about the forthcoming "Peace Conference" in Annapolis.

It goes without saying that the Israeli People are in fear of having our God-given country taken away from us once again.

With Love and Blessings for Israel,

Ruth Matar

Dear Volunteers. Please don't get overwhelmed. 10 phone calls is great but 1 is better than none. When you can, please write to the President, and to the Israel Ambassador and Israel Consul General to publicize your personal protest to Condeleeza Rice's public statements. Please continue to call the major Jewish Organizations such as the Agudath Yisroel of America, the OU and the Young Israel to encourage their people to do so as well. Collectively, these 3 organizations reach out to hundreds of thousands of Jews. A Statement just about Jerusalem is inadequate. The points raised by Nadia Matar are more comprehensive. The Rebbe says even if you don't think it will make a difference or that you will be heard there is still an obligation to speak up for Eretz Yisroel. Now is not the time to be shy! Use your gifts for public speaking and self expression to end this Chillul Hashem of Silence.

Besides the White House, the Jewish Media, and the Rabbanim, address your protests to
Oops! A fly on the wall informs us that the Israeli Ambassador Sallai Meridor and the Israeli Consul General in NY, Asaf Shariv, have apparently gotten NO PROTESTS from anyone about the attempts to set up a new Palestinian terror state just a bike ride from divided Jerusalem, Tel-Aviv, and Israel's only international airport (Ben-Gurion). So... write, fax, email :
Ambassador Sallai Meridor, Embassy of Israel, 3514 International Drive, NW, Washington, DC 20008 202-364-5590; FAX: 202-364-5560
Ambassador Asaf Shariv, Consulate of Israel in NY, 800 Second Ave., New York, NY 10017, 212-499-5450 - Fax: 212-499-5455
Volunteer, Yasher Koach on your efforts. May Hashem reward us collectively with Peace and PROSPERITY.
To summarize:
Call/Write to Rabbanim encouraging them to urge their congregations to speak up and to speak up themselves since they have a voice on Capital Hill and the White House.
Call/Write the White House
Call/Write Israel Ambassador and Israel Consul General.
and finally please listen to this song Here are the words to the song.

Lo alecha hamlacha ligmor It's not for you to finish the task

Lo alecha ligmor It's not for you to finish

V'lo ata ben chorin lehibatel mimena But you are not free to cease trying

V'lo ata ben chorin you are not free to cease trying

(Really another song, but it's always sung together)

Sheyibane beit hamikdash, sheyibane May the Temple be speedily built in our days

Sheyibane beit hamikdash, sheyibane

Bimhera b'yamenu, sheyibane

Bimhera b'yamenu, sheyibane

Sheyibane hamikdash

CAJL CC 102307 Contact info to President, Israeli Ambassador and Israel Consul


Dear list, amv"sh

(CAJL will be sending out periodic action items for it's volunteers. If you do not wish to be on this list please email me. Each time you will get such an email with action items for CAJL it will say CAJL CC )

CAJL (Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership
CC Calling Campaign
101807 October 18, 2007

This letter by Ruth Matar says it all. It says it right! I know at least 3 other spunky ladies around Ruth Matar's generation, the Holocaust generation, that are not afraid to say it like it is. They are not afraid to speak out to President Bush. This letter is phenomenal. Let it be the statement of our United Jewish Voice! Let us carry these women on our shoulders. Nothing written so far can compares!

Action items:
Please forward this letter to all the Rabbanim you know. When you speak to the organizations feel free to talk to whomever picks up the phone. Our biggest advocates are the secretaries.

Call the Young Israel 212-929-1525 Rabbi Pesach Lerner

Call the OU 212-563-4000 Rabbi Tzvi Hersh Weinreb, Stephen Savitsky

Call the OU Washington DC 202-513-6484 Nathan Diament Director

Call the Agudath Yisroel of America 212-979-9000 Rabbi Gertzulin,

Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zweibel PR

Rabbi Avi Shafran PR

and ask them if they read Ruth Matar's letter. Ask them to please forward it to the proper channels in Washington DC. This is the correct Jewish position regarding the establishment of the State of Palestine, G-d forbid. They are the occupiers. Ruth Matar's letter should be read on Shabbos Drashos in shul! Ask everyone you know to use her points in the letter when they call the White House.

Dear Volunteer, Yasher Koach! May you go from strength to strength! Bracha Vehatzlacha and please let us know what response you received!

From: Women in Green
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 14:52:54 +0200

October 18, 2007

Dear President Bush,

I am taking the liberty of writing you this personal letter because I fear you have put the State of Israel in a most dangerous, life-threatening situation. You have achieved this both by your June 24, 2002, policy speech, and by your planned “Peace Conference”, to be held in Annapolis, Maryland.

I have spent many sleepless nights since your speech on June 24, 2002, when you first declared your vision of dividing Israel into two states; a Jewish one, and an Arab state carved out of Jewish Biblical land.

IN YOUR JUNE 24, 2002, POLICY SPEECH you declared:
“My vision is two states, living side-by-side, in peace and security.”
You also stated that it is untenable for Palestinians to live in squalor and OCCUPATION.

Mr. President, your “vision” is based on a faulty premise. Israel is not occupying Arab territory! On the contrary: LARGE PARTS OF ISRAEL ARE OCCUPIED BY THE ARABS.

The Arab claim that the country was theirs and was taken away from them by the Jews is completely false and lacks any historic basis.

The following is a short summary of Israel’s history:

Israel became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., i.e. 2,000 years BEFORE the rise of Islam, and long before there was any Arab nation. Israel (Palestine) has been the homeland of the Jewish People since biblical times. It was subsequently “occupied” more than 15 times. Among its occupiers were the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Persians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Ottoman Turks. The longest occupiers of the Holy Land who ruled on and off for 400 years­between 1517-1917­were the Ottoman Turks. They were followed by the British who ruled under a Mandate of the League of Nations (later the U.N.) to renew a homeland for the Jewish People.

Jews had dominion over the land of Israel over 1,300 years before their expulsion by the conquering Roman Empire. Moreover, Jews have had a continuous presence in this land for over 3,300 years.

As for your planned, so-called “Peace Conference”, to be held in Annapolis, Maryland, which you announced on July 16 of this year, you seem to have stacked the cards unfairly against Israel.

You have invited all your Arab friends, and in addition, only countries who have declared themselves to be in favor of a TWO STATE SOLUTION.

What then, remains to be discussed at the Conference?

Your plan is to have your Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, chair this Conference. It is well known that Ms. Rice is no friend of Israel.

For example, at her Senate confirmation hearing as US Secretary of State, Rice stated: “If I am confirmed, I will be especially honored to succeed a man I so admire- my friend and mentor, Colin Powell.”
Colin Powell, Secretary of State during your first term, famously described Yasser Arafat to a US Senate committee as follows: “One man’s Terrorist is another man’s Freedom Fighter.”

In addition, James Baker, your father’s Secretary of State, of “F-ck the Jews” fame, is one of Rice’s best friends. They have many common interests and attitudes.

To top it all, Chevron Oil Company, one of the ten largest oil companies in the world, named one of their giant tankers “Condoleezza Rice” in honor of her dedicated service. As you may remember, many critics complained at the time, that the ship served as a giant floating symbol of your administration’s cozy ties to the oil industry.

No wonder then, that the Israeli People are wary of the upcoming Conference, which Ehud Olmert has agreed to attend on behalf of the country he supposedly represents. (This man is currently under a number of criminal investigations!) At this Conference there will be a preponderance of Arab nations. Prime Minister Olmert has foolishly accepted the invitation. Does he not realize Israel is slated to be the sacrificial lamb?

President Bush, it is only fair that the person writing this letter identify herself. I am an elderly lady, who will, God willing, celebrate my 78th Birthday at the end of this month.

I am a Holocaust survivor, born in Austria. I escaped the Nazi death machine when my parents succeeded in having me accepted on a Kinder Transport to Sweden, just a month before the outbreak of World War Two. (My cousins were not as fortunate, and are believed to have died in a concentration camp).

My parents were able to escape Austria by crossing the border to Italy. At the end of the war they were part of the group of one thousand survivors who President Roosevelt allowed to enter the United States. Our family was miraculously united in the US, where we subsequently became American citizens.

I received my higher education, from age seventeen through college, in the United States. I met and married an American Jewish lawyer who had served in the American Army throughout the war. After the War, he attended Wisconsin University and Yale Law School on the G.I. Bill.

My husband and I have four children and seventeen grandchildren. We currently live in Jerusalem, Israel. We consider the United States as our homeland. At the same time, as religious Jews, we feel that Israel is our spiritual homeland, promised to us Hebrews by the Almighty G-d as an everlasting inheritance.

From my perspective as a Holocaust survivor, I fear that my children and grandchildren are not safe from another Holocaust.

The current situation frightens me more than I can describe in words.
Iran is about to acquire the atom bomb and President Ahmedinejad repeatedly states his intention to wipe Israel off the map.

At this point I must tell you, President Bush, that I voted for you both in the election of 2000, and in the election of 2004. At that time, I worked hard on my popular weekly English radio program from Israel, (INN: Israel National News), to recruit the American absentee vote on your behalf. My program was mainly directed to American audiences. I was fortunate to be able to interview many interesting prominent Americans such as James Woolsey, foreign policy specialist and former Director of Central Intelligence and head of the Central Intelligence Agency.

In light of all this, I implore you, Mr. President: Do not divide the Holy Land!

I truly believe that such an act on your part will have the most dangerous repercussions for Israel, the United States, and in fact, the entire western civilization, whose values and belief system are based on our common Holy Bible.

I believe that you truly wish to promote Peace in the Middle East.
However, dividing the Holy Land will have the exact opposite effect.

We cannot hide from ourselves the fact that Mahmoud Abbas, who you are promoting as Prime Minister of this new theoretical Arab State, is a former well known terrorist who co-founded the PLO together with Yasser Arafat. We must also face the fact that his terrorist Fatah Organization has murdered many more Jews than even Hamas! To this day, Abbas denies that there ever was a Holocaust, a view shared by Iran’s President, Ahmedinejad.

We must keep in mind Mahmoud Abbas’ educational background. He graduated from the University of Damascus, Syria, and subsequently earned his Ph.D degree at the Institute of Oriental Studies in Moscow. Both these institutions are known for their hatred of Israel. Abbas’ thesis was, in fact, about Holocaust denial. His dissertation was entitled: “The Secret Connection between the Nazis and the Leaders of the Zionist Movement”.

Abu Daoud was one of the terrorists intimately involved in the planning of the Munich Massacre of Israeli athletes in the 1972 Olympics. Daoud alleged in his autobiography that Mahmoud Abbas was the main paymaster behind the attack.

Mr. President, do you really plan for this terrorist to be Israel’s peace partner?

There are many Israelis and Americans, both Jews and Christians, who feel that your Conference will have a strong anti-Israel component, and therefore will result in a harmful outcome for the Jewish State.

You have yet to announce the final-final date for your Conference. We hope that you give us the courtesy of notifying the public as to when it will be held, so that we can finalize our own preparations. We plan to hold a Zionist Conference in New York preceding your Annapolis Conference by a few days.

In conclusion, I would like to quote Oklahoma Senator Inhofe’s Senate Floor Statement of March 4, 2002, entitled “SEVEN REASONS WHY ISRAEL IS ENTITLED TO THE LAND”:

“Reason Number 7: I believe very strongly that we ought to support Israel; that it has a right to the land. This is the most important reason:

Respectfully Yours,

Ruth Matar
Jerusalem, Israel

Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

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Guaranteeing Bloodshed

The following appeared in the New Media Journal:

Should Israel Swap Land for War or Peace?
David Singer
October 18, 2007

Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) are reportedly looking at swapping land in the West Bank for land in Israel as a means of overcoming the PA’s long standing demand that all 6205 square kms of the West Bank be handed over to the PA by Israel as a necessary precondition for peace.

In the best traditions of a Middle East bazaar it seems a great idea for Israel to horse trade 500 sq kms of vacant Israeli land for 500 sq kms of land heavily populated by Jews in the West Bank

Land swaps are not unknown in the Middle East. In 1965 Jordan exchanged 7000 sq kms of inland desert for 6000 sq kms of Saudi Arabian land fronting the sea shore.

The announcement of a planned land swap to be negotiated within a time frame of six months would certainly go down well at President Bush’s international meeting next month and probably be hailed as a major breakthrough in resolving the 130 years conflict between the Jews and the Arabs over the former territory once called Palestine.

It might also just act as the fig leaf necessary to persuade Saudi Arabia to attend the meeting even if the more contentious issues - Jerusalem, water and permitting millions of Arabs to emigrate to Israel - are put on the diplomatic backburner.

President Bush desperately needs a lifeline to prevent his two state vision disappearing forever into the quicksand stirred up by totally inflexible and intransigent Arab negotiating positions.

Certainly the resolution of the territorial dispute over the proposed land to comprise the future Palestinian State would be a notable achievement.

It would herald an important change in the present racist stance of the PA and the Arab League that demands the West Bank be ethnically cleansed of all its Jewish residents - that Jews be tossed out of their homes in breach of international humanitarian law as encompassed in a number of United Nations Conventions.

It would signify the first crack in the negotiating stance of the Arabs that has remained unchanged for the last 40 years - showing a willingness to now be prepared to give something and not demand everything.

Unfortunately the announcement and eventual resolution of such a proposed land swap will not resolve the conflict unless all the other outstanding core issues - Jerusalem, refugees, water, - are also resolved.

Even if such issues were miraculously settled, what guarantee could then be given to Israel by the PA that the border between Israel and the newly created State would become a no go zone for Hamas, Hezbollah and the myriad other terrorist groups hell bent on Israel’s destruction - having already unanimously indicated their violent opposition to any proposed settlement with Israel other than its total dismantling?

What guarantee would there be for Israel that those parts of the West Bank accepted by Israel in the land swap deal would not come under mortar fire and rocket attacks from within the borders of the new Arab State as emanated from Gaza virtually without respite when the PA ruled there?

The reality is that until any PA agreement with Israel is endorsed by Hamas, Hezbollah , Islamic Jihad and the Arab League, that agreement runs the risk of being abrogated overnight by the actions of well armed and trained terrorist groups whom PA President Abbas has been too weak to oppose or control in the past.

The risks of continued dealing with the PA alone are therefore so great that any responsible Government in Israel would be putting the lives and security of its citizens at grave risk unless these other belligerent parties were signatories to any peace agreement.

The position would be entirely different if the West Bank was divided between Jordan and Israel - two sovereign countries already possessing a peace agreement that has proved its resilience for the last 12 years.

Land swaps would only be necessary as a last resort if dividing some relatively small areas of the West Bank between Jordan and Israel could not be amicably resolved. A lease to Israel of some Jordanian land as part of their peace agreement shows what can be achieved.

It would not be in Jordan’s national interest that any terrorist groups be allowed to flourish in Jordan’s newly acquired West Bank territory since they could represent a threat to the Hashemite regime ruling in Jordan. These groups might be tempted to try and overthrow Jordan’s King Abdullah if allowed to develop a formidable military infrastructure in the West Bank.

The attempt by the PLO to do just that in 1970 is deeply ingrained in the Jordanian psyche. Jordan has a well trained and disciplined Army and police force - unlike the PA’s forces - to meet any such new threat.

Jordan is not faced with the political problems arising out of the falling out between Abbas and former Prime Minister Haniyeh that has split the PA and Hamas into two bitterly opposed factions - destroying any semblance of unity between the Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza. Jordan’s close ties with West Bank Arabs would be a unifying factor of enormous significance in countering terrorist activities.

The path to resolution of issues such as Jerusalem, refugees and water are already sign posted in the existing peace treaty between Israel and Jordan.

The return of Jordan to rule the Arab sections of the West Bank would recognize the status quo that existed in the Arab occupied areas between 1948-1967. It would bring the hope of stability to the region rather than the chaos and uncertainty that the PA currently represents as one of the principal players responsible for the slide into despair that has befallen Jordan’s Arab brothers in Gaza.

Any belief that an agreed land swap involving the PA will be a step on the road to peace is yet just another mirage like so many others that have marked politics in the Middle East since the euphoric endorsement of the Oslo Accords 14 years ago by most of those countries assembling at President Bush’s meeting next month.

How wrong they were then and how wrong they will be next month if they rapturously endorse the announcement of this “historic breakthrough”.

Land swaps with the PA are land swaps for possible war. Land swaps with Jordan are land swaps for possible peace.

Which one Israel chooses will make a huge difference to millions of Jewish and Arab lives.

David Singer is an Australian Lawyer and Convenor of: Jordan is Palestine International — an organization calling for sovereignty of the West Bank and Gaza to be allocated between Israel and Jordan as the two successor States to the Mandate for Palestine.

Israel’s pre-’67 borders were indefensible according to every military strategists from whatever country that ever visited the region. In spite of it, against all odds, against all conventional wisdom, Israel achieved a stunning victory in June of ‘67. It was not a war Israel craved. It was a war of necessity and one that was either decisively won by it or Israel’s destruction would follow. What the Arabs had failed to achieve in war after war since the day of Israel’s inception is about to be handed them by Israel’s current government. The moment it swaps lands Israel ensures itself of a 5th column that will work and clamor hard for a reversal of 1948. The moment Israel ceases to be a Jewish country, it forfeits any legitimacy to land in the area.

The Middle East does not need a Western enclave in its midst, regardless of how democratic it may be. Democracy is something that needs time to become engraved in the minds and hearts of people who have never experienced, people who have no real understanding of the concept. Israel’s neighbors, as long as everyone of them is governed by despotic regimes, (with the possible exception of Lebanon, which is beset by factional fighting along ethnic/religious lines), find democracy a threat. While it’s true that fear of Ahmedinajad and the Ayatollahs might force some Arab countries to regard Israel in a different light, should the Iranian threat to them be over, they will be back to treating Israel as the enemy, even after it succeeds in saving them from Iran.

To swap land will only ensure that the PA, which has never shown itself willing and/or able to keep anything it has ever signed, will at an opportune time overrun the surrounded Jewish cantons. Then, as a condition to stop further Jewish blood spillage insist on further land concessions and that “refugees” be allowed to enter Israel. After the days of Menachem Begin, no Israeli government stood its ground against international pressure and foolishly gave in at the smallest demand. Israeli goivernments foolishly made gesture after gesture by releasing terrorists, by giving up land, by raising a murderous, opportunistic corrupt thug that got thrown out of Jordan and later Lebanon (Yasser Arafat) into an internationally recognized leader of a people who never elected him… even if they worshiped him, for lack of any other leadership.

The Palestinian cause has hurt itself tremendously by the ongoing fighting and barbaric treatment of each other’s leadership between Hamas and Fatah. The average Palestinian who voted for Hamas as a protest against the corruption of Fatah, has merely exchanged one ruthless, blood thirsty, morally decrepit political party for another equally corrupt, more blood thirsty, more morally decrepit one. The results are merely more bloodshed, more infighting, more misery, more poverty, and a bleaker future. The current Palestinian leadership whether Hamas or Fatah is unwilling to concern itself with the everyday problems of running an efficient government that cares for the welfare of its subjects. It has shown its totally disinterest in anything other than the destruction of the Zionist Entity. Can a country prosper, whose sole reason for existence is its avowed goal of destroying its neighbor?!?

Hamas and Fatah are both vying with each other for the title of who can inflict the biggest damage to the Zionist Entity. The Israeli government, the Europeans, the US (who is thereby undermining its own War on Terror) are actually helping them!

History’s sad lessons, prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that land swaps or negotiations with barbarian hordes never work except to prolong bloodshed, to perpetuate misery, poverty and needless death. In any case, who can guarantee the peace that is supposed to follow? Will it be the Arab League? Will it be Saudi Arabia, James “F— the Jews” Baker, the Europeans, or the UN?


Crossposted at: Freedom's Cost

Friday, October 19, 2007

A Perfect Solution to the Jerusalem Issue

[Sammy from Yid with Lid has graciously allowed us to cross post his latest piece on Jerusalem. Even when we cry, we laugh...]

Jerusalem is Probably the most difficult issue to solve in the ongoing Israel/ Palestinian "peace" process. The Palestinians are demanding control of the holy city, the Temple Mount and Kotel because they claim it is where Mohamed rose to heaven which makes it the third holiest site in Islam. Of course this is a very recent claim and there is nothing about Jerusalem in the Koran. Some people claim that the only reason that the Palestinians want Jerusalem is their continued attempt to de-legitimize Judaism's historical claim to Israel

For Jews Jerusalem is the Holy City, and the Temple Mount is the holiest site in all of Judaism, not only did the mount house the two temples to God, it is where Abraham almost sacrificed Isaac and where Jacob had the dream of the ladder to heaven. For two thousand years Jews have prayed for a return to Jerusalem.

Reports that Israel's government is willing to split Jerusalem with the Palestinians and give up sovereignty over the Temple Mount has raised the ire of the Jewish People. Polls have shown that the Israel people are against it, the majority of the Knesset is against it, protests and petitions have come from groups such as the OU and the ZOA. Yet the Palestinians claim that there can be no peace without handing over the holy city. What can Olmert do to satisfy Israel the Jewish People and make a peace with the terrorists at the same time.

Thankfully I have a solution, not only will it work but I got the Idea from an Arab, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad . Remember last week when he suggested that we move Israel to Alaska? We we can do the same thing with Arab East Jerusalem--move it. And I am willing to give the Arabs a lot more options--in fact I have an entire list of cities that they can pick to move East Jerusalem to:

  • Miami Beach Florida- This one is a no-brainier, their third holiest city for our third holiest city. We will throw in the "early bird" special dinners, and access to Miami's holiest site (the Fontainebleau Hotel).
  • Secaucus New Jersey-Remember that old song "Raucus in Secaucus"? This site is perfect for them, and the best part of it is no one in the United States will notice (except maybe NY Jet Fans but we would be much happier).
  • London, England- After all Tony Blair thinks Israel should be more flexible on Jerusalem, lets try and see how flexible the British can be. The good part of the solution is that Abbas' Fatah wouldn't have to set up satellite dishes for communications, the could use Prince Charles' ears.
  • Vatican City- Lets face it the Palestinian claim to Catholicism's Holy City is just as vailid as their claim to Judaism's. The extra benefit of this solution is that it might help repair the "bad vibes" between the Pope and Islam.
  • New York City- The "Jewish Lobby" needs a vacation--lets let the Palestinians Control the banks and media for a while.
  • Washington DC- This is probably the best solution of all. Think about it--we give away part of Washington, Condi Rice wont be able to force her Dhimmi solutions to the Mideast conflict upon Israel. We know that House Speaker Pelosi would endorse this one, after all she looked so go with her head covering when she visited Syria.
I know that there will be protests to any of these solutions, some may say, "how could you make up reasons to take away a city from a people who have an historic attachment, and give it to people who have no real claim to it?" Well let me answer those people like this:

I Agree.

An urgent Appeal

Young Israel USA and Young Israel in Israel, OU, Agudath Yisroel of America, etc.

You are speaking out loudly for a United Jerusalem. That is praiseworthy, indeed! Your united voice will certainly make a difference. The question, however, is what kind of a difference it will make. Mainstream Jewish organizations is uniting about publicly decrying a division of Jerusalem, yet it refrains from speaking out with the same conviction regarding opposition to a State of Palestine. Are you afraid to take a stand that is diametrically opposed to the Government of the United States? President Bush clearly wants to establish a State of Palestine. You are Silent. Does that mean that you agree? Is that implicit agreement? Have we not been taught shtika kehoda'a?!?

I know that the Rabbinic Leaders of your respective organizations will tell you a State of Palestine is a tragedy. But… will they say so publicly? If as a united voice they only speak up for Jerusalem then, by omission, it means that Yesha is expendable. Think about the dangers! We have then, by default, united to be SILENT on the subject of a Palestinian State. However, if we speak out with conviction against a State of Palestine, then any discussion about dividing Jerusalem ceases to be an option.

Young Israel has 150 member Synagogues. That means thousands of members. Agudath Yisroel has an extensive worldwide network. That means the voice of their rabbis, their representatives, their emissaries can influence hundreds of thousands of caring Jews. Agudath Yisroel of America has shown its ability to mobilize people in record time. The Yesha Leaders from the Yesha Council have in the past led their constituents to believe that they are proactive and, in the end, failed miserably! Will the tragedies of Gush Katif repeat itself, chas vesalom?!?

It is up to each individual to question the decision to remain silent regarding the establishment of the State of Palestine and to urge their Rabbinic Leaders and their affiliated shuls and organizations NOT TO BE SILENT regarding a future state of terrorists that is a direct threat to Israel and Jews around the world! The Jewish people should not allow their leadership to lead them to another Gush Katif! When the Nations of the world perceive total resolution, when they hear the clamoring and see a defense a defense of the entirety of Israel they will lose their brazenness in demanding Jerusalem.

Whoever gets this email in his or her office, pass it around to your friends of coworkers. Don't be afraid to speak out to the higher ups in your organization to be outspoken against the State of Palestine. Secretaries are our biggest advocates. Why does it only have to be the Christians that are Biblically correct and talk about G-d's given borders? Do we care less than the Christians about our Divinely given patrimony?


Robin Ticker/ Shmuel Koenig initiators Rabbi Calling Campaign
CAJL (Conference of Authentic Jewish Leadership)